Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sold Short The Market at 2:10

Bought BGZ @ 17.71
Sold Short BGU @ 51.41


George Rahal said...

The question this a temporary rally...because you can't stop what has the news that good that it has changed the prospects. I am holding on to my short in case of a reversal, but I am not sure it will happen.

George Rahal said...

This may be the final test of the bears' stomachs.

David Corna said...

You have to have faith. Of course having been around so long that you get to watch the re-runs does help. There is no substitution for experience and learning from your past mistakes. You always take a risk going into a government report so that was part of my consideration. Furthermore the risk reward calculation has to account for a hefty adverse move.

George Rahal said...

Amen! Most news shocks can cause temporary glitches in trends, but not change them. We had begun a down trend yesterday.

I actually doubled my BGZ position at the open (around 114.50 on ES). I was chocking with fear when the market hit new highs, but thankfully, I held on.