Thursday, October 22, 2009

DIA 10 min Price oscillator T's 10-22-09

Utilizing Terry Laundry's T-Theory, I have drawn symmetrical T's using a special oscillator I have developed after stealing some good ideas from of Terry and McClellan Financial. My math applications are unique and I have discovered oscillators that can successfully describe "Magic T's" in 10 min. intra-day charts.


tria said...

your work is amazing,
I can not thank you enough for providing such valuable tools to trade.
Lakis Triarchos
Athens, Greece

George Rahal said...

David, by chance are you interested in crude oil Ts? I would like to see projections for oil based on your oscillator.

joe said...

David or George have either of you found a way to T up the Dollar???????

David Corna said...

I do not have the data for oil. If you can provide me the 10 minute Hi Lo Last for market hours of the last 90 days in an excel spreadsheet, I would be most happy to to the Math. Format: Date|Time|Open|Hi|Lo|Last


David Corna said...

I do not have the data.


David Corna said...

I had a friend many years ago who is a chemical engineer that I worked with. His name was Takis and he immigrated to the U.S. from Athens and married an American girl. I have not seen him fro many years. DC